Sarojini Naidu College for Women

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC

NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)

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Dr. Enakshi Guru

Dr. Enakshi Guru


Dr. Enakshi Guru


Assistant Professor
Department of Physics




Dr. Enakshi Guru is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at Sarojini Naidu College for Women, from March 2021.
She has worked at Rishi Bankim Chandra College from Feb 2015 to Feb 2021, with additional 11 years of experience in two AICTE Approved Colleges, namely Camellia Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology and Marine Engineering College (Currently Known as Neotia Institute of Technology, Management and Science).
She has done her full-time research in Jadavpur University as JRF/SRF with CSIR Fellowship (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), and was awarded her PhD in 2006. She also holds M.Sc., B.Ed. and B.Sc. degrees from Jadavpur University.


Research activities of Dr. Guru are in the area of Soft Condensed Matter Physics and Biophysics.

  • Monte Carlo Simulation in Liquid Crystalline System
  • Study of gene regulation and biomolecular network
  • Study of Topological defects
Currently, Dr. Guru teaches the following courses in the even semester of AY2021-22:

  1. Electromagnetic Theory
  2. Statistical Mechanics
  3. Solid State Physics
  4. Mathematical Physics
Journal Articles

  1. “Effect of next nearest neighbour interactions on compensation temperature in trilayered spin systems” E. Guru and S. Saha, Phase Transitions 95, 642-650 (2022).
  2. “Influence of rate constant on TF regulated gene Expression and Effect of Noise”.E.Guru, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.7,Issue 4(3),62-69(2018).
  3. “Effect of Rate constants in TF regulated Gene Expression”E.Guru and S.Chatterjee, OALIB Journal,Vol.1. No.9,e1147,(2014).
  4. “Study of Synthetic Biomolecular Network in Escherichia Coli”E.Guru and S.Chatterjee,International Journal of Biophysics,vol3 (1), page 38-50,(2013)
  5. “Behaviour of Topological Charges in the Phase Transitions Exhibited by Two Planar Lattice Models”E.Mondal and S.K.Roy,Physics letter A,324,337-343(2004)
  6. “Finite Size Scaling in the Planar Lebwohl -Lasher Model” E. Mondal and S.K Roy, Physics Letter A,312,397-410(2003)

Conference Proceedings

  1. “Monte Carlo study of the role of topological defects in the phase transitions exhibited by two planar lattice models.” E.Mondal and S. K. Roy; presented in Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, CMDAYS 03,2003, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
  2. “Topological defects in planar P4 model.” Enakshi Mondal and Soumen Kumar Roy; presented in DAE-SSPS 2003, 2003, Jwiaji University, Gwalior.
  3. “Critical exponents in the planar Lebwohl -Lasher model.” Enakshi Mondal and S.K.Roy; presented in International Conference on Statistical Physics,STATPHYS22,2004,Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore.
  4. “Role Deterministic rate constant in Stochastic gene expression”E.Guru; presented in “ Canvas of Micro to Macro World of Physics”. Gobordanga Hindu College. 2016
  5. “Role of Biochemical parameter in Synthetic Biomolecular netwok in Escherichia Coli” E.Guru; presented in “Recent Trends in Physics Research and Education”, Barracpore Rastraguru Surendranath College,2017
  6. “Effect of topological charges in phase transitions of P4 model” E.Guru; presented in “Recent Trends in Condensed Matter Physics Including Laser Application, Burdwan University 2017
  7. “Influence of rate constant on TF regulated gene expression.”E.Guru; presented in “International Conference on Facets of Basic Sciences & applications(FBSA), Bijoy Krishna 2018
  8. “ Environmental Impact of Using Cellulosic Ethanol, E.Guru,Agricultural Science, Research and
    Review, Vol I, ISBN: 978-81-953600-2-4, Page 45-55, 2021
  9. “ Role of Biochemical Parameter in Synthetic Biomolecular Network of Escherichia coli,Newest Updates in Physical Science Research, Vol 13, B.P. International,ISBN 978-93-91595-33-3, Page 25-33, 2021

Book Chapters

  1. “Introduction to Molecular Theory in Uniaxial Nematic and Smectic A Liquid Crystal”, E.Guru, Advances In Material Science, Vol II, ISBN: 978-93-91768-91-1, Page 1-6, 2022
  2. “Biofuel from switchgrass: An Ecofriendly Transportation Fuel of Future” E.Guru, Environment & Unsustainable Human Life, Vol VI, VL Media Solutions, ISBN: 978-93-91308-49-0, Page 121-130, 2022
  3. “ Environmental Impact of Using Cellulosic Ethanol, E.Guru,Agricultural Science, Research and
    Review, Vol I, ISBN: 978-81-953600-2-4, Page 45-55, 2021
  4. “ Role of Biochemical Parameter in Synthetic Biomolecular Network of Escherichia coli,Newest Updates in Physical Science Research, Vol 13, B.P. International,ISBN 978-93-91595-33-3, Page 25-33, 2021