Journey of the department was started in the year 2013. Initially, department used to offer only pass (general) courses to the undergraduate students. Mr.
Mahasin Mondal, Ms Paromita Das joined the department as a guest lecturer. In 2014 Ms Sudeshna Mal and Ms Arpita Chakraborty joined the department, Ms Tania Talukdar joined
in 2015. Later in 2017, Late Mrs. Debjani Bagchi joined as a guest lecturer, Sk. Wasim Akram joined the department as a guest lecturer in 2018 and later as a SACT in 2020.
The honours in the department was started in the year 2019 with 27 number of students. Mrs. Sanghamita Sarkar who joined the department as an Assistant Professor in 2019
and Dr Kesang Sherpa as an Assistant Professor joined in 2019. At present, there are five faculties in the department Mrs. Sanghamitr Sarkar (Assistant Professor), Dr.
Kesang Sherpa (Assistant Professor) and Sk. Wasim Akram (SACT), Ms Reshmi Chattopadhya (VF). Mrs Suchismita Medya. Presently, department offers Education both Hons and Pass
course under new Choice based Credit System (CBCS) syllabus. Every year good number of students enrolled in the department, and the first batch Hons students have secured a
good percentage and CGPA in the year 2022. Further, department has well stocked library, smart TV, computer for the students. For the partial fulfillment of the syllabus
students are taken to the field tours, educational excursion to visit the different places. Faculties in the department involve their self in the National and International
seminars, webinar, conferences and other faculty enrichment programmes organized by different colleges and universities. Faculties have also published their research writings
in the National and International Journals. Furthermore, department constantly uphold an amiable relationship with the students and are always ready to render all possible
assistance and guidance to the students.
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1 td > | Education Hons Syllabus | CBCS | Download |
2 td > | Education General Syllabus | CBCS | Download |
Study Material
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Name of Alumni |
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