Sarojini Naidu College for Women

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC

NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)

Department of Environmental Science

About the Department

Department of Environmental Science is one of the youngest departments of the College. The department has started "General Course in Environmental Science" in 2019. The department has a number of scientific instruments for assessment of different environmental parameters like air, water and soil. College students have taken several activities like campus cleaning, tagging the trees etc. as a part of their academic activities and social responsibilities.

Courses offered

  1. B.Sc. 3 year general Course in Environmental Science under WBSU.
  2. Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) in Environmental Studies (Compulsory for all undergraduate students in the First Semester under CBCS system).

Our Faculty

Notice Board

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Academic Resources


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1Environmental Science SyllabusCBCSDownload

Study Material

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Departmental Achievements

Events & Activities

Placement and Progression

Name of Student Year Placement / Progression

Notable Alumni

Name of Alumni Year of Passing


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