Sarojini Naidu College for Women
Affiliated to West Bengal State University
Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC
NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)
Student Support System
Besides regular Teaching-Learning Programmes, there are various mechanisms and support systems to help new students to adjust with the environment of the college. Following committees and cells are there to help students:
Students’ Welfare Committees:
Students who are meritorious, but financially weaker, may apply to this committee for financial aid from the Students’ Aid Fund or may apply for Free-studentship for exemption of Tuition Fees. The notice for the same will be put up on the Students’ Notice Board.
Cultural Committee:
Students who are interested in cultural activities may contact teacher members of this sub-committee, or may contact the office-bearers of the Students’ Union to take part in different cultural activities.
Magazine Committee:
Students who are Literary minded may contact teacher members of this sub-committee.
Internal Complaints Committee:
Any incident of Ragging, though very scarce in our college, must be complained upon and written to the members of this cell and dropped in the complaint-box. Moreover, any grievance of students may be written to the members of this cell. Students may write their grievances in a letter, even without their names, and drop it in a box placed in front of the Principal’s chamber labeled ‘Tomader Katha’.
This cell has been functioning for the last few years to train final year students for ENTRY IN SERVICE and organizing CAREER COUNSELING so that they may face the job market well prepared. So far, almost fifty students have been directly placed through this cell.
Remedial Coaching Committee:
This cell is functioning for the last few years to make the socially backward students at par with the others. Special coaching classes are organized outside of the regular classes where the students can clinch-out any doubt and study informally, so that the curricula may be more interesting.