Sarojini Naidu College for Women

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC

NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)

Department of Political Science

About the Department

When our college was founded in 1956, Political Science was one of the few subjects offered. The department has a well-stocked departmental library since the Honours course was approved in 1965.In addition to holding normal classes and giving lectures, tutoring sessions are scheduled where students are assisted in their academic endeavours. Teachers have seen that Students consistently show enthusiasm for class discussions, seminars, debates, and group activities that are occasionally planned. Seminars, workshops, and symposiums of all levels are organised and attended with great enthusiasm by both the teachers and the students. In the years to come, we aspire to continue our legacy and inspire our students to excel in both their academic and extracurricular endeavours.

Courses offered

The department is currently offering the following courses:

  1. B.A 3 years Honours course in Political Science under WBSU.
  2. B.A 3 years General course in Political Science under WBSU.

Our Faculty

Notice Board

Sl.No. Date Title View/Download

Academic Resources


Sl.No. Date Title View/Download


Sl.No. Title type View/Download
1Political-Science Hons SyllabusCBCSDownload
2Political-Science General SyllabusCBCSDownload

Study Material

Sl.No. Date Title Semester View/Download


Sl.No. Appeared Passed Pass Percentage


Departmental Achievements

Events & Activities

Placement and Progression

Name of Student Year Placement / Progression

Notable Alumni

Name of Alumni Year of Passing


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