Sarojini Naidu College for Women

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC

NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)

Department of Geography

About the Department

The Department of Geography was established in the Year 1956. The department started as Pure Geography in 1969. The Honours Course started in 1986. Mrs Reba Palit was the founder faculty. At present total faculties are 8. The total number of students in this department is 189 in 2021-22. The average student-teacher ratio is 21:1. There are three theoretical classrooms, 1 Remote-Sensing Laboratory, 1 Pedo-Lithological Laboratory. At the Department, students are encouraged to acquire deeper knowledge of both the physical and human environment. In this department, students are exposed to various field techniques, seminars, laboratory sessions, hands-on training on GIS and remote sensing. The department prepares our Graduates for a wide range of jobs in Government bodies, Private Organizations and Statutory bodies.

Best Practice of the Department:

  1. Offering Certificate course at the beginning of the programme.
  2. Extensive Field Visit.
  3. Continuous environmental assessment at college compass and surrounding.

Courses offered

Presently the Department of Geography offers the following courses under West Bengal State University:

  1. B.Sc. 3 year Honours course in Geography under WBSU.
  2. B.Sc. 3 year General course in Geography under WBSU.

Our Faculty

Notice Board

Sl.No. Date Title View/Download

Academic Resources


Sl.No. Date Title View/Download


Sl.No. Title type View/Download
1Geography Hons SyllabusCBCSDownload
2Geography General SyllabusCBCSDownload

Study Material

Sl.No. Date Title Semester View/Download


Sl.No. Appeared Passed Pass Percentage


  1. Remote Sensing and GIS laboratory – This laboratory is equipped with 7 computers with RS-GIS software and a large collection of Satellite imageries and Aerial Photographs.
  2. Pedo-Lithological Laboratory- This laboratory has different instruments that are used to do different soil and water analysis such as:
    1. Grain size analysis of soil.
    2. Measurement of suspended sediment concentration.
    3. Analysis of COD, BOD, TOC of soil as well as water.
    4. Measurement of electrical conductivity for salinity assessment.
    5. Megascopic and Microscopic Identification of Rocks and Minerals.
  3. 3 ICT-enabled classrooms
  4. Vast collection of issuance of books in Seminar Library (No of Books- 700)
  5. Archive of Topographical maps.
  6. Smart Television

Departmental Achievements

Events & Activities

Placement and Progression

Name of Student Year Placement / Progression

Notable Alumni

Name of Alumni Year of Passing


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