Sarojini Naidu College for Women

Affiliated to West Bengal State University

Govt Sponsored, Estd. 1956, UGC

NAAC Re-accredited with Grade "A" (3rd Cycle)

Sobujer Majhe (Green Campus Initiative)

The molecules of life are organized in a definite pattern to form cells, tissues, organs, system, and organism. An interaction of different organisms and with the surrounding environment forms populations, community and ecosystem uccessively and all form a biosphere in the planet. In order to maintain a balance and integrity between each of these components, our college has taken initiatives for maintaining a healthy ecosystem necessary for sustainable development of the society and environment.


The institution is incessantly working to conserve the natural environment, inculcate the idea of sustainable environment and train the youth in smart management of renewable and nonrenewable resources for a clean and green environment.

The Context

Situated on a national highway, thousands of automobiles pass the college gate every hour, leaving behind a stream of carbon dioxide rich air. The trees and herbs of the college campus not only counteract pollution, but also supply oxygen to the college community and its surroundings. The practice is to maintain the existing greenery and help flourish the biodiversity of the college which serves as an oasis amidst polluted environment.

The Practice

  1. Restriction on the number of vehicles entering the campus to combat air and noise pollution.
  2. Water Conservation – Rain water harvesting for use in gardening and in the toilets.
  3. Eco Club Activities
    1. Awareness campaign
    2. Plantation program
    3. Organizing seminars
    4. Combating malaria and dengue by testing water samples and searching for mosquito larva
  4. Waste recycling and management
    1. Maintenance of a compost peat
    2. Usage of empty plastic bottles as planters for sapling plantation
    3. E-waste disposal through electronic waste recycling company Hulladek.
  5. Energy conservation
    1. Installation of two solar panels on the rooftop of new building and Annex building
    2. Usage of LED lights
  6. Celebration of Environment day, "Aranyo Saptaha"
  7. Green Auditing
    1. Waste management
    2. Water management
    3. Energy management
    4. Evaluation of carbon footprint.
  8. Documentation of Biological diversity in the college campus by the teachers and students of the Botany and Zoology Departments.
  9. Setting up of a medicinal plant garden by the Botany Dept. and butterfly garden by the Zoology Dept.
  10. A plantation drive comprising 50 plant saplings sponsored by the WWF
  11. Air quality monitoring by a display board set up by the State Pollution Control Board
  12. Installation of two Bio-Toilets

Green Audit Reports